There are lots of different ways to raise money for a playground. However, you have to consider different community dynamics to determine which campaigns will work better than others. It might take a bit of trial and error to figure out what will work in your area, but fundraising doesn’t need to be one-and-done. It might be necessary to run a few different fundraisers to get the necessary money to complete your project. To help you decide on the type of fundraiser, we have provided a list of examples you can think about.
Types of Fundraisers
Magazine Subscription | Newsletter Subscription | Catalog Order Sale |
Discount or Coupon Books | Yard Sales | Car Washes |
Donated Items | Gift Baskets or Packages | One-time Events |
Ongoing Events | Silent Auction | Spoken Auction |
Walk-a-thon | Marathon | Relay Race |
Athletic Tournament | Music Performance | Talent Show |
Drama Play | Comedy Show | Phone-a-thon |
Gala | Art Exhibit | Food Sales |
Food Wars | Fashion Show | Bingo Nights |