Unleash a volley of playground fun with Arrow Loop Archer, yet another addition to PlaygroundEquipment.com’s Castle Series. From the Rain Wheel at its base to the twin flags atop the Castle Roofs, Arrow Loop Archer will have kids engaging in fun, creative play for years to come. Unlike most other Castle Series play structures, Arrow Loop Archer is at a relatively low elevation. Once kids have played with the Rain Wheel and Ship’s Wheel, they can easily access the elevated portion of Arrow Loop Archer using either the Castle Rock Wall Climber, the steel stairs, or the Incline Tube Bridge. There, children will find some fun activities to get excited about, including the Hare and Tortoise Race Panel, Gear Panel, and the Bubble Panel. Once they’ve had their fill of Arrow Loop Archer’s various play elements, they can slide safely back down to the ground on the back of the Straight Slide.