Magical. Engaging. Packed to the brim. The Salem’s diverse set of activities is practically spellbinding. Constructed from three elevated platforms, stairs lead up to the middle 36-inch elevated platform; to the left and right, sets of stairs flank the different decks. One of the 60-inch elevated platforms is accessible by a Sea Creature Climber and features a Right-Turn Slide. The other 60-inch elevated platform is accessible by Snake Climber and also features a Right-Turn Slide. Bongos, a Ship’s Wheel, and a store panel found on the ground level make the Salem play structure ADA compliant. Sprawling, and featuring two bright turrets, the Salem playset is perfect for young children and pre-teen kids who want to practice the art of creativity, imagination, and active play. So, grab your broomsticks and get to casting spells of delight and outdoor fun!